The first point of contact for diverse & inclusive education in Wales.
Y pwynt cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer addysg amrywiol a gynhwysol yng Nghymru.
We believe that it is mandatory for all educational institutions to offer safe and inclusive learning environments to all children, and that every school has a duty to provide educational curricula and resources, which are representative and inclusive of every member of our rich and diverse, multicultural society.
Rydym yn credu bod e’n angenrheidiol ar gyfer pob sefydliad addysg i gynnig amgylchfydoedd diogel a gynhwysol i bob plentyn, a bod gan bob ysgol y ddyletswydd i gynnig cwricwla ac adnoddau addysgiadol, sydd yn cynrychioli ac yn gymwys pob aelod o ein cymdeithas gyfoethog, amrywiol, ac amlddiwylliannol.
Supportive Services
Gwasanaethau Ategol
Small steps can go a long way in a child's education, which is why we offer on-going support to enable schools to thrive and excel, by providing guidance on inclusive policies and educational recourses to ensure that every child has a chance to reach their full potential.
Mae cymryd camau bach yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr mewn addysg plentyn, felly dyna pam ydym yn cynnig cymorth cyfredol i alluogi ysgolion i ragori ac i lwyddo, wrth gynnig arweiniad ar bolisïau cymhwysol ac adnoddau addysg i sicrhau bod gan bob plentyn y cyfle i gyrraedd ei gudd.
With race equality being the foundation on which the Ambassadora Curriculum has been constructed, we provide ongoing support to all educational providers with the following gwasanaethau services:
Curriculum Consultancy
Policy Consultancy
Inclusive Learning Resources
Learning Programmes
Inclusive Event Management
Efo cyfiawnder hil yn bod y sefydliad ar hynny Cwricwlwm Ambassadora ; rydym yn cynnig cymorth cyfredol i bob cynigwyr addysg efo’r gwasanaethau canlynol:
Gwasanaethau Ategol
Ymgyngoriaeth Cwricwlwm
Ymgynghoriaeth Polisi
Adnoddau Addysgu Cymhwysol
Rhaglennu Addysgu
Goruchwyliaeth Digwyddiadau Cymhwysol
In order for every child to flourish in our diverse society, schools must make it a priority to address, the lack of representation in education. Pupils need to be able to relate to the learning resources that they are provided with and most importantly, the teachers who guide them. Schools also need to be able to have access to such inclusive resources.
Through Ambassadora schools and educational providers are able to access the Ambassadora Curriculum which provides engaging and inclusive learning resources taught by tutors who truly represent our Welsh Society. Appropriated to each each year group's needs and abilities, subjects Include:
- Stand up for PE & Welsh Excellence
Featuring Olympic Athlete Mica Moore & more National athletes!
- Stand up for English & Literacy
- Stand up for Welsh History: A Global Story
- Stand up for Welsh & Foreign Language Learning
- Stand up for Engineering and Tech
- Stand up for Geography
- Stand up for Identity: My Hair My Heritage
Fel bod pob plentyn yn gallu blodeuo tu fewn ein cymdeithas amrywiol, mae angen i ysgolion i wneud e’n flaenoriaeth i gyfeirio at y diffyg cynrychiolaeth tu fewn addysg. Mae angen i ddisgyblion i berthnasu efo’r adnoddau dysgu rydyn yn derbyn ac yn bwysicaf efo’r athrawon sy’n arwain nhw. Mae angen i ysgolion hefyd i gael gafael â’r adnoddau cymhwysol yma.
Trwy Ambassadora, mae ysgolion a darparwyr addysg yn gallu cael gafael â’r Cwricwlwm Ambassadorasydd yn cynnig adnoddau addysg ddeniadol a gymhwysol wedi’u haddysgu gan diwtoriaid sydd ynwirioneddol yn cynrychioli ein Cymdeithas Cymraeg. Wedi’u haddasu ar gyfer angenrheidion a galluoedd pob blwyddyn ysgol, mae’r pynciau yn cynnwys:
- AddysgGorfforol ac Mica Moore
- Saesneg a Llythrennedd
- Hanes Cymraeg
- Peirianneg a Thechnoleg
- Addysg Ieithoedd Tramor
- Hunaniaeth
Tel: 07729804336
Inclusive Policy & Curriculum
Inclusive Learning
Resources & Literature
Stand up Curriculum
Staff Training & Representation Courses
Support to resolved incidents of discrimintation
Meet our Director
Cwrdd efo ein Cyfarwyddwyr!
Aurthor, Founder & Director
AwDuron, Sylfaenydd a Chyfarwyddwr
Championing positive representation and diversity in Welsh literature and education, and Co-founder of I’m Representing IECC, Jessica Dunrod has a BA Translation degree with completed university study in MA Translation at Cardiff University where she also serves Co-Chair of Cardiff University’s Student Race Equality Steering Group.A multilingual translator fluent in Spanish and Modern Greek, Jessica is an expert in inclusive language and the Director of the UK’s first and only Black owned translation firms Lily Translates .Jessica became the first Welsh-born Black children’s author since releasing “Outstanding” and “Your Hair is Your Crown” which she wrote to counteract The Black Doll Test (Brown University) and other learned behaviours such as unconscious bias which are acquired by primary school age. Dedicated to raising awareness of the Black Welsh narrative, Jessica is also the Welsh correspondent for The Voice Newspaper.
Yn pencampio cynrychiolaeth bositif ac amrywiaeth yn llyfryddiaeth ac addysg Gymreig, a'r Cyd-sylfaenydd I’m Representing IECC, mae gan Jessica Dunrod gradd BA Cyfieithu efo gradd prifysgol MA Cyfieithu o Brifysgol Caerdydd lle mae hi hefyd yn gwasanaethufel y Cyd-gadeirydd Grŵp Llywio Cydraddoldeb Hiliol Prifysgol Caerdydd. El cyfieithydd amlieithog sy'n rhugl mewn Sbaeneg a Groegaidd Modern, mae Jessica yn arbenigwr mewn iaith gynhwysol a'r Cyfarwyddwr yr unig gwmni cyfieithu Du yn y Deyrnas Unedig Lily Translates. Daeth Jessica yr awDur Cymraeg cyntaf ers rhyddhau "Arbennig" ac "Dy Wallt yw Dy Goron" bu ysgrifennodd hi er mwyn gwrthweithio'r Prawf Dol Du (Prifysgol Brown) ac ymddygiadau dysgedig fel tueddiadau anymwybodol sydd yn cael eu dysgu at oed ysgol gynradd. Yn ogystal â'i ymgysegriad i godi ymwybyddiaeth i'r adroddiant Cymraeg Du, mae Jessica hefyd yw'r gohebydd Cymraeg ar gyfer papur newydd The Voice.
It was identified through lived experience, personal, academic and professional, that we observed gaps in our educational institutions who fail to provide a nurturing environment ,which encourages children and young people, to explore race, culture and identity, while learning basic life skills through what should have been, a robust and fit for purpose educational system. We have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that every school has access to diverse and inclusive learning recourses, and understands the importance of representation as well as their own biases in hopes to avoid further trauma and children being excluded from school or school activities on the basis of their race or the educational system's failure to provide relatable resources which reflect the society we live in today.
Cafodd ei nodi trwy profiadau bywyd, bywydau personol, academaidd a proffesiynol, bod yna gapiau tu fewn ein sefydliadau addysg sy’n methu i gynnig amgylchfyd cefnogol, sydd yn annog plant a phobl ifanc, i archwilio hil, diwylliant, hunaniaeth wrth ddysgu sgiliau bywyd sylfaenol, trwy beth ddylai bod system addysg gadarn ac yn cwblhau ei bwrpas.Rydym wedi cymryd arno ein hunain y ddyletswydd o sicrhau bod gan bob ysgol mynediad i adnoddau addysg amrywiol a gymhwysol, ac i ddeall y pwysigrwydd o gynrychiolaeth a’u tueddiadau eu hunain efo’r gobaith o osgoi rhagor o drawma a phlant yn cael eu gwahardd o’r ysgol neu weithgareddau ysgol, ar sail eu hil neu’r methiant y system addysg i gynnig adnoddau perthnasol ac yn adlewyrchu’r gymdeithas rydym yn fyw ynddo heddiw.
Our supporters & collaborators
Ein cefnogwyr a chydweithredwyr